Male Rhinoplasty: Before & After Photos
Surgeries performed by Dr. Vasdev Rai and Dr. Surjit Rai in Dallas, TX
Patient 1
33 Old male patient presented with a prominent nasal hump, droopy nasal tip, long nose and prominent nasal spine, that tends to tent upper lip. All these features were addressed with closed rhinoplasty (no external scar). Post operative photograph shows refinement of all these features to achieve a natural appearance of nose without sacrificing its uniqueness.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.
Patient 2
Front and profile photos before surgery of this 21-year-old male patient show a heavy nasal bridge, large convex nasal hump and heavy nasal tip. All these features have been refined by reducing nasal bridge heaviness, eliminating dorsal hump and refining nasal tip structures.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.
Patient 3
This 20-year-old male patient had presented for correction of nasal hump.
Closed rhinoplasty technique was used to achieve desired improvement.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.
Patient 4
36 -year old male patient wanted shortening of his nose since he felt it was too big on his face.
Nasal framework was reduced all around to enable soft tissues to settle and thus reducing overall nasal length.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.
Patient 5
This front, profile and half profile views of this gentleman show an example of nasal refinement. His objective was to sharpen his nasal features to compliment his face. All the features of nose were addressed with closed rhinoplasty. Post- operative views speak for themselves about successful outcome. Noses do not need to be flawed to deserve rhinoplasty. All noses can be refined with properly done operation.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.
Patient 6
Front and profile before and after photos show nasal refinement achieved in this gentleman in mid 20s. Nasal bridge, nasal tip, nasal angle and nasal width were modified to achieve overall balanced enhancement of nose and thus of face.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.
Patient 7
This patient in early 30s sought nasal enhancement. He did not like the hump on his nasal bridge. Notice in his “before” photo that he has a nasal bridge hump, nose is somewhat long and his nasal tip is heavy and lacks delicacy.
Closed rhinoplasty was done. His nasal bridge hump was eliminated. Nose was subtly shortened. Nasal tip was refined by reducing lower lateral cartilages and septal angle.
Individual results may vary.
Click here to contact Dr. Rai and set up a consultation.