Here are the Cosmetic Surgical Center in Dallas, there are several incision choices for breast augmentation patients. They all work well, but each surgeon has his or her own favorite incision. Of course, patient preference plays a large role in incision placement. Before you choose, you should learn the advantages and disadvantages to each type of incision. When you visit Dr. Rai for your comprehensive consultation, he will be happy to answer any questions you have about breast implant incisions. In the meantime, here are the basics.


The inframammary incision is the classic breast enlargement incision. It is made in the natural crease where the breast meets the chest. This placement gives the best exposure and control of the implant pocket and causes the least disruption of existing breast tissue. The scar will be nicely hidden in the crease of your enlarged breast. If you have revision surgery in the future we can go back in through the same place, so you will not have additional scarring.


This incision is placed along the edge of the areola, the colored skin around the nipple. It will naturally blend in with the areola/skin interface, so there is no visible scarring. The periareolar incision requires going through breast tissue and may disrupt some milk ducts.


The transaxillary incision is placed in the armpit, so the scar will be out of sight. However, there is less control of implant pocket. There is a higher incidence of implant pocket asymmetries with this type of incision.


The transumbilical incision is preferred by some because the scar is hidden in the belly button, so it is truly undetectable. The distance from the breast means diminished control of the implant pocket, and if you require revision surgery we may have to go in elsewhere, ultimately creating another scar.

To learn more about breast enhancement options, in the Dallas/Fort Worth area, please contact the Cosmetic Surgical Center to schedule your comprehensive consultation with Dr. Vasdev Rai.